Having a bank account is essential for many services you may require during your stay in the foreign country. You should check with the university and make arrangements for the same, so that you are not making arrangements for the banking as soon as you reach your destination.
University may require you to fill a registration form before you reach the university to confirm your arrival. Check the website or the ‘Arrival Kit’ to see if you are required to fill any such from.
The immigration procedure for each of the country varies on some account. Make sure that you have all the documents ready for inspection on arrival. A brief outline of the required documents is given here:
United Kingdom
- Valid Passport
- Student visa
- Appropriate visa for family members travelling /staying with you
- ATAS certificate (if required) for postgraduate students
The immigration officer may wish to examine all the documents at the time of immigration. Please carry ‘ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS’ in your ‘HAND LUGGAGE’ for ready inspection.
It is known, that sometimes the immigration officer might interview you at the immigration. They try to establish your English at this point of time. They have a right to do so and hence sometimes may put this to exercise. Do not panic at this point and clearly answer all the questions.
The immigration officer might ask you to produce your Accounts statement that you had produced in order to get the Visa. You should be able to produce the same documents. Make sure that you carry a copy with you in your hand luggage for their reference. This is not a usual exercise, but they are known to do so in the past so be prepared.
Ensure that you have the TELEPHONE NUMBER of the university and of the “INTERNATIONAL ADVISOR” in case you need any help and advice.
- Valid Passport
- Non-immigrant visa and certificate of eligibility (I-20 or DS-2019)
- Arrival-departure record form will be filled.
- U.S customs and Border protection take biometric fingerprints and photograph.
- Contact information of the student advisor from your university/college
- Birth certificate and marriage certificate
- Medical documents with certificate of the required immunization
- Original academic transcripts
- Acceptance letter from the college/university
Ensure that you have the following before you embark your journey:
- Valid Passport
- Valid Student Visa
- Tickets for travel for the entire journey, if your journey breaks in the middle.
- Original certificate and mark sheets
- Original unconditional offer letter from the university or the acceptance letter
- Original document for the IELTS, TOEFL SAT’s and any other admission tests which are required.
- Telephone number of the University Help Desk and International Officer
- Telephone number for the Airport Travel
- Appropriate currency
- Appropriate clothing