Educational Consultants
Having the audacity to break with everything for a year to dedicate yourself to living in Canada is to launch into the experience of what is usually called a Gap Year. The meaning of gap explains everything. Although some call it as a sabbatical year, this is not true, because in the true year of […]
As an international student, it is important to understand how to balance your academic and social life. Everyone has their own approach to study in Australia, and it’s just as important to know which one is yours. Here are eight great tips to help you save on last-minute stress: Plan in advanceBe sure to make […]
It is not easy to enter the top universities of the USA. It will be even more difficult for foreign entrants for whom English is not their native language. However, with high motivation and detailed development of the package of documents, a successful result is quite possible. Options for admission to the top U.S. University for […]
In recent years, education around the world has been undergoing a digital transformation, and the pandemic has accelerated this process. Teachers had to go beyond the classrooms to ensure continuity of learning. This has resulted in an explosive increase in innovation in educational technology and digital content. All educational institutions are now experimenting with different […]
Business education abroad is a reliable recipe for a successful career, proven by the time and success story of thousands of graduates. The MBA in UK opens doors to large companies around the world. This qualification is truly universal, but other programs are no less in demand. Features of business education abroad – best practices […]
Preparation for admission to a foreign university is not limited to working for a certificate or diploma, improving a foreign language and collecting documents for a visa. In case of successful enrollment, the student will have to pay not only for the curriculum. Additional expenses include the payment of travel abroad, local transport, food, household […]
Australia is recognized as one of the best countries to study abroad for its high quality of life, diverse student composition and graduate vacancies. Few time ago, the Australian Government published the results of a study by the International Student Survey, which aimed to measure the satisfaction of international students with the level of education […]
The USA is a recognized world leader in the number of foreign students studying at universities and colleges. In total, there are about 600 thousand of them. There are many reasons for their choice. American universities are not just institutions of higher learning. Each of them is a scientific research center, where advanced developments are […]
First, because the standard of living in this country is very high. Canada was named in 2011 as the number one country to live where people are well taken care of, good social conditions, and very low crime rates. It should be noted that this is not the first time Canada receives this title among […]
Recently, the leadership in the area of studying overseas belongs to the United States and Canada: both countries offer students both boarding schools and traditional schools. In both Canada and the United States, there are cultural exchange programs in which students aged 15 to 18 can go to study for free and live there with […]