While studying at university is one of the biggest requirements in today’s world for students, it is very normal to have some doubts and myths about it. Because starting a new life in a country you have never lived before, getting away from the culture and environment you are used to, and opting for Canada […]
Academic excellence, affordable education options and adventure: choosing Canada study overseas is one of the best decisions one can make. Canada is home to more than 250,000 international students and has been receiving demand from an increasing number of students from overseas in recent years. Canada has grown slowly but steadily as a preferred destination […]
Going to university in the UK is the ambition of many students from all over the world. We decided to write this guide to try to clarify the ideas of those who have chosen Great Britain as a place to start their university career and want to make a UCAS application. If you want to […]
For those who are considering studying abroad, school and living expenses are usually one of the most undecided issues for both families and students. From which country they should choose to which university they want to study at, students engage in intensive research on studying abroad, and at this stage, the most curious subject is […]
At the time of UCAS application, each candidate can choose a maximum of five universities/departments for undergraduate applications made online through UCAS. By applying for two different departments for a university, you will use 2 of your 5 rights. The application process, which starts in September – October, continues until April and in some cases […]